People Lab

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People Lab Panelist: Anthony Morgan

Anthony and I hadn’t met before I was introduced to him by a mutual connection for the purpose of this panel. His response to my ask was enthusiastic and when we met in person, he expressed that the language I used was right up his alley. Compassion, Curiousity, Candour and what becomes possible.

For Anthony, powerful communication is about being very clear about your values and then living them. Curiosity, collaboration, calm, creativity, and courage. Powerful communication is an indispensable part of running many of the organizations he is part of. It allows them get past the surface layers to more clearly understand the true stakes of conflicts at work.

I’m excited for you to meet him, but not as excited as my six-year-old. One of Anthony’s many roles is a science host on TVO’s Blynk & Aazoo.

Anthony Morgan is a science communicator and founder of Science Everywhere. He develops, creates and hosts engaging live experiences & media to foster critical thinking.

He has spent 15+ years studying and working in psychology and science communication, thinking deeply about the most common individual and societal barriers to critical thinking. His startup Science Everywhere makes tools to help people get around those barriers.

Reserve your spot for our March 5th Panel on Powerful Communication.