Introducing People Lab
Today is a day I’ve been working towards for a while. Today is on my calendar as ‘Soft Launch Day’. My goal was to have the pieces in place to go to a conference today as the founder of People Lab. I’m ready, and I’m excited and so happy with what People Lab is becoming. But, my kid is home with a cold.
So instead we’ve been cuddled up on the couch watching Max and Ruby. At first, I was stressed and disappointed that I was missing the conference, but as he dozed beside me I realized, ultimately it wasn’t that important. The company was ready to launch and that was my goal. The conference was going to be my opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and connect and learn, but really that community exists right here. On Linked In, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and Medium or wherever else you might be reading this. I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with and following inspirational thought leaders, and friends and colleagues who have inspired and supported me.
So, I’m soft launching here. Welcome to People Lab. I’ve partnered with an amazing team of people to deliver simple, people based solutions to employee engagement.
At People Lab, we believe everyone deserves to be excited to go to work. That the key to engaged leadership, engaged employees and satisfied customers & stakeholders is kindness, empathy, and respect. (It’s not fluff — according to Gallup 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged at work. Companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share.)
We believe this shift must be systemic, so we use coaching, training and facilitation, with all levels of an organization to embrace these essential traits.
We work to help you discover what becomes possible when your employees are engaged and excited about their role in your company.
So, if you’ve read all this, thank you for being part of my community and if you know people and companies who might benefit from working with us at People Lab, we’d love to meet them.
Thank you!