People Lab Panelist: Andreas Souvaliotis
I’m so pleased to announce that Andreas Souvaliotis will be joining our People Lab Panel on Dec 5th. I’ve known Andreas for a few years, first through his work with Carrot Rewards, and then his work with 6 Degrees. It’s inspiring to know that there are people like Andreas, working as social entrepreneurs, to make positive impacts and real change.
He’s been called Canada’s Chief Gamification Officer for figuring out how to influence the behaviour of millions in remarkable ways. He simply calls himself a Misfit in his bestselling memoir about turning his autistic, gay, immigrant edges into a changemaker’s toolkit.
Andreas Souvaliotis is a globally recognized social innovator. He created the world’s first wellness rewards platform, the hugely popular Carrot app. A decade earlier he had built Green Rewards, the first-ever eco loyalty points program.
He is an unconventional and disruptive pioneer of social change, an incurable lover of real, measurable, mass scale impact, and an outspoken promoter of diversity, inclusion, wellness and climate action.
He proudly serves on the Boards of a number of impact-centric organizations, including the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, Windmill Microlending and the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO).