People Lab

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Powerful Communication

One of the most popular workshops I facilitate is Powerful Communication. I partner with the team to build a communication toolkit to ask powerful questions, listen deeply and appreciate the communication habits of others. We explore how leading with compassion, curiosity and candour can radically change a workplace. We achieve this through engaging conversations and supported learning opportunities.

A few months ago I had the opportunity to work with a small team of account execs at an ad agency. My favourite part of this particular group was the level of trust/ psychological safety they had. They were fully engaged, fully present and clearly enjoyed working with each other. As we did a deep dive into some of the habit systems people have around communication, they were able to take what they learned, apply it to themselves and other stakeholders in their organization and come up with strategies to improve communication with those stakeholders. It was powerful to observe this high performing team absorb the workshop content and immediately put it into practical application.

To further the conversation around the impact of Powerful Communication, I am moderating a People Lab Panel on March 5th. We are bringing together three really interesting individuals who have had varied and interesting careers in communication. You can read a bit more about them below and join the conversation by reserving your spot for the Panel here.

Xania Khan, Director of Content at Appnovation

I’m excited that Xania has joined us as a panelist on March 5th as we explore Powerful Communication. Our paths first crossed at Carrot Rewards a few years ago, and I have a deep admiration of her work, her passion, and her motorcycle stories. Her voice on our panel will no doubt be insightful, compassionate and inspiring.

I asked Xania how Powerful Communication has benefitted her in her leadership role. ”Honestly, it's a daily benefit like meditation. The more we communicate with intent, the more effective it becomes. Powerful communication isn't a tool that you switch on/off. It's used daily as a way to connect with our loved ones, co-workers and wider audiences – in person and on our social channels. One of our most underutilized communication tools is active listening – it allows us to effectively respond.”

Anthony Morgan, Creative Producer / Founder Science Everywhere

Anthony and I hadn’t met before I was introduced to him by a mutual connection for the purpose of this panel. His response to my ask was enthusiastic and when we met in person, he expressed that the language I used was right up his alley. Compassion, Curiousity, Candour and what becomes possible.

For Anthony, powerful communication is about being very clear about your values and then living them. Curiosity, collaboration, calm, creativity, and courage. Powerful communication is an indispensable part of running many of the organizations he is part of. It allows them get past the surface layers to more clearly understand the true stakes of conflicts at work.

Anthony Morgan is a science communicator and founder of Science is Everywhere. He develops, creates and hosts engaging live experiences & media to foster critical thinking.

Alyssa Huggins, Vice President, Brand & Integrated Marketing at The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

Alyssa is someone I admire enormously. We’ve been friends for many, many years, so I’m excited to talk with her in this forum. She is a powerful communicator.

To Alyssa, powerful communication means clarity, consistency and relevancy of message, whether communicating one on one with employees, or to an entire organization, to stakeholders, or customers. It also can mean communication that is motivating.

Alyssa has recently transitioned to the social profit space where she is currently the Vice President, Brand and Integrated Marketing at The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. The Foundation raises over $200 Million a year to fund life-saving research, education and patient care at The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, one of the top 5 cancer centres in the world.

Come to the panel, listen to some great insights, ask some powerful questions and add your voice to the conversation:


March 5, 2020


WeWork, 240 Richmond St. West

Tickets are complimentary, but donations to SKETCH are appreciated.