People Lab Panelist: Michelle Krasny
Michelle uses her background in Neuroscience and Design thinking to partner with professionals and entrepreneurs to help them figure out how to have big, daring careers, without having to give up their soul or sanity along the way.
When I started People lab, I knew I wanted to collaborate with Michelle to deliver our coaching programs services. Her passion, curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit are inspiring, oh and also, she’s my sister.
When I asked Michelle about a meaningful act of kindness this was what she wrote: “When casting my mind around for the most meaningful act of kindness that’s ever been given to me, it was when I started to learn about mindful self compassion. Not to say others haven’t supported me in a million ways, but the act (or practice) of kindness that was life changing was from me to me. [most millenial answer ever]”
I’m looking forward to speaking with Michelle at the People Lab Panel April 4th! Reserve your spot here.